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CAD for Beginners

In the 21st century technology has expanded its wings in almost every sphere of knowledge and life style. Hence with the enhancement of technology has empowered Engineers and Designers to get the power to excel with CAD.

Due to the advancement of CAD (computer aided design) there is no painstaking workout of the engineers and draughts-men standing near the drawing board with a huge drafter and trying to draw their concepts.

Recreation of designs & drawings has become so easy today that it takes only an unimaginable fraction of a second. Sharing of a single platform helps the draughts man to divide the time consumption and hence increases the productivity.

A completely new drawing can be created with a base drawing and slight modification of some part of it and unlike in paper drawings where a draughts man has to redraw again the whole drawing which, consumes not only his time but also reduces productivity and interest in work.

Once converted to CAD format, the drawings can be copied any number of times, any part can be added/removed to a drawing without disturbing the original one. Various engineering data can be retrieved as well from the drawings without doing any further calculations manually.

What is CAD?

CAD is the short term for "Computer Aided Designing" or sometimes spelled as "CADD" which refers to "Computer Aided Designing and Draughting". It’s the process of conversion of design data into digital format that enable the data handling easier, quicker and safer. Through CAD technology, almost any type of designs and drawings can be done. Designers from various fields such as Engineering, Architecture, Fashion, Textile, and Graphics are now days highly dependent on CAD technologies.

CAD is a computer-assisted technology, used for making various types of graphics designs. It has inherited its base technology from Co-ordinate Geometry and Mathematics. Further developments have been made to suit different domains and their related design requirements. The basic entities used in any CAD environment are point, line, polygon and text. These entities have been further modified to create circle, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola, mesh and 3D objects like Sphere, rhombus, cube, cylinder and so on.

Software in Use

Based on the concept of CAD technology, many CAD software have been developed by software giants like Auto-desk Inc, Bentley, Dassult Systemes, Some of the leading software in the industry are Auto-CAD, Micro-station, CATIA, Pro-Engineer, Uni-graphics, Solid-Edge, STAAD Pro, Auto-Civil, Auto-desk Inventor and the list goes on and on.

It is frequently seen in use for engineering fields, although it is also applied for other vector graphics designs in no fewer manners. Due to CAD facilities, the repetition of work are minimized, exact accuracy can be achieved; reproduction is not a problem now days. After conversion into digital format it can also be sent through electronic mail to any part of the world as an editable file. Due to availability of a lot of file formats, the same file can be opened and used in a variety of CAD software.

Computer aided design (CAD) Process:

In CAD, generally the drawings are done according to the dimensions given either in a hard copy like paper or it may have been mentioned in a raster or image file, which is a scanned copy of the paper drawing. If the source drawing is a hard copy, then putting the hard copy by the side and referring to the same does the drawings. But this is a cumbersome process. So another process has been developed in which, the hard copy is scanned and the same is attached into the drawing platform say, Auto CAD. Then it becomes easier to draw the elements. This type of draughting is called as on-line draughting.

Area of Use:

As it is easy to work with cad software the authorities, engineers, draughts-men in many part of the world have already begun to work with the most advanced facilities and technologies like CAD (Computer Aided Designing) for creation, modification, reproduction, safely store and enhancement of dynamism in their drawings, such as: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Engineering, Architectural Engineering, Aerospace, Automobile, Manufacturing, Production, Plumbing, Piping, HVAC and Fashion Design etc...


From this inception, it has been human nature to innovate, discover, invent new things and so has been his creation. Design may be pronounced as the synonym for creation. So there is no end to man’s creation, design and hence CAD. By passage of time it’ll be even smarter, quicker and sophisticated.

This article was provided courtesy of Specializing in CAD services SEO, E-commerce website design and development